6 – Connor Grooms: Achieving Epic Results in 30 Day Challenges

Today, I have the pleasure of chatting with Connor Grooms. Connor is well-known for successfully completing several 30-day challenges including gaining a whopping 26-pounds of muscle mass in only 30 days as well as learning to speak conversational Spanish in a month.

Connor shares with us what steps he took to prepare for his 30-day challenges and the core principles he uses to ensure their success. He also explains how one challenge has lead him to build a successful career as well as how his story has aided in landing his first-ever speaking gig, which was remarkably held on the TedX Talk stage in London.

Connor, thank you for joining us today.

A brief overview of today’s episode:

  • Why does Connor choose to learn new skills in a short period of time?
  • What is the driving force behind successfully completing the challenges he sets for himself?
  • Why does he feel that “impressing others is easy,” but impressing himself is significantly harder?
  • What were the “conversational topics” that Connor and his Spanish instructor focused on during his challenge?
  • How does Connor fit his intensive training for his challenges into his daily schedule?
  • What does Connor consider “non-negotiables?”
  • Measure the input, not the output ? what does this mean?
  • Why is it important to make the challenge your top priority?
  • How does using a Commitment Contract improve your accountability?
  • What method does he use to track his progress throughout his challenges?
  • What motivated him to learn Spanish in a month?
  • Why did he decide to document his experience throughout the Spanish in 30-days challenge?
  • What is his primary focus on today?
  • Does he have any regrets after completing the 30-Days to Gaining Muscle Mass Challenge? Would he do anything differently?
  • What does his daily morning routine look like?
  • What was it like to stand up on the TedX Talk stage?



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