The Young and At Rest

My neighbour just died today. She was 21, I think.

When the old die, even when they’re close to you, your accept it rather easily. But when they die young, it’s a different story altogether, isn’t it ?

I’ve seen her face a lot of times, ever since she was a little kid. Never actually spoke with her. I had distant friends who were her friends. I went to school with her brother. Not a close relationship by any means.

But I still got a weird feeling when I heard of her death. I felt guilty and alive at the same time. I felt I should savour life. That I should enjoy every moment of it. I felt guilty for not living life to the fullest. Then, I felt I should write a blog entry full of those pumpous thoughts.

If you knew you’d be dead in a week what would you do ?

I would :

* Do all the things I was afraid to
* Call all my friends and family and tell them how much I love them
* Call everyone I ever hurt and say I’m sorry
* Make sure my name survives somehow
* Donate money to a charity that deserves it

But there’s no reason why I shouldn’t do them now !

But since, most probably, I’ll be here in a week, nothing is going to change, is it ? I might go a bit nuts, do some crazy stuff, feel alive, and go back to normal. No one can live like there’s no tomorrow, you’d never get your washing done. It would all be much simpler if we could live for the present.

With thoughts running through my head,
Signing off,

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